Latest B2B Commerce Strategies: Reports & Analysis

Latest B2B Commerce Strategies: Reports & Analysis
Note: Report & Analysis on B2B Strategies (2024)
Latest B2B Commerce Strategies: Reports & Analysis

Aditi Tripathi

Content Writer

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In 2024, B2B commerce is more complex than ever as customers demand greater value with fewer resources. They want top-tier service on tighter budgets and instant access to information without lengthy sales calls. Today’s B2B buyers expect a seamless, consumer-like experience—even when dealing with complex products.

The B2B buying journey, from researching product specifications to comparing pricing and accessing support, is filled with potential friction points. Companies that provide digital tools for quick and easy online transactions are winning customer loyalty, while others struggle to do more with less.

This shift is driving urgency among B2B leaders. According to a Deloitte survey of 500 U.S. B2B commerce executives, 77% agree that digital transformation is critical to their company’s success. Yet, with multiple stakeholders and complex operations, the path to transformation can seem daunting.

The answer lies in adopting the latest B2B commerce modules—such as advanced eCommerce, PIM, Order Management, and Content Management systems—that are adaptable, and designed to meet the evolving demands of today’s savvy buyers.

“B2B companies capturing the largest market share are leveraging five key modern sales and marketing strategies: adopting cutting-edge sales technology, expanding hybrid sales teams and capabilities, delivering hyper-personalised experiences, customising approaches for third-party marketplaces, and excelling in ecommerce throughout the entire marketing and sales funnel.” - McKinsey & Company

“A typical buying group for a complex B2B solution includes between six and ten decision-makers.” - Gartner

Performance, Productivity, and User Experience Efficiency

In B2B ecommerce where transactions often involve multiple stakeholders and large financial commitments, website performance is crucial. Delays of even a few seconds can lead to frustration, dissatisfaction, and missed opportunities. B2B companies must focus on enhancing their digital platforms to ensure fast load times, smooth navigation, and mobile responsiveness.

b2b digital strategy stats


One effective solution is adopting headless commerce for a B2B digital strategy. It decouples the frontend from the backend allowing businesses to achieve faster performance, greater flexibility, and seamless content delivery. This setup allows for quick updates and integration with advanced technologies without disrupting overall functionality.

“Adopting headless commerce allows companies to reduce total cost of ownership, craft tailored online customer journey, enhance flexibility and innovation, ensure consistent brand messaging, boost business agility, optimise operational efficiency.” - BetterCommerce

On top of that, AI-driven search and merchandising can revolutionise user experience. Advanced algorithms analyse user behaviour to provide personalised product recommendations and dynamically adjust search results, making it easier for customers to find what they need. Features like AI chatbots offer instant support, guiding users through their journey and improving overall satisfaction.

Integrating these technologies ensures a streamlined, efficient experience that meets modern B2B expectations.

“Companies that grow faster drive 40 per cent more of their revenue from personalisation than their slower-growing counterparts.”- McKinsey

Catalogue, Inventory, and Order Management Strategies

For B2B companies, no matter the size of the business, managing extensive product catalogues, intricate inventory levels, and complex orders is a daily challenge. To meet the high expectations of B2B customers, businesses need to offer real-time inventory updates, account-specific pricing, and tailored catalogues. This not only boosts customer satisfaction but also improves operational efficiency and reduces errors.


Product Information Management (PIM) systems are game-changers here. They automate the synchronisation of product data across channels, ensuring consistency and accuracy while minimising manual effort. AI can generate detailed, compelling product descriptions and enhance search engine visibility, driving traffic and potential sales.

PIM stats

Similarly, advanced Order Management Systems (OMS) are essential for handling the complete order lifecycle. These systems provide real-time inventory visibility, manage complex order configurations, and support multi-location shipping. Features like order splitting and flexible re-ordering ensure timely and accurate deliveries. By incorporating account-based pricing and custom catalogues, B2B businesses can further personalise the shopping experience, fostering stronger client relationships and encouraging repeat business.

Data, Personalisation, and Customer-First B2B Strategy

Leveraging data is crucial for crafting personalised customer interactions and driving growth in any business. Traditional methods are falling short; businesses need to adopt data-driven strategies to meet client expectations effectively. By analysing online customer journeys, preferences, and purchasing patterns, B2B companies can offer tailored product recommendations, custom pricing, and relevant content that resonates with individual needs.

“To achieve this, brands must harness their extensive customer data effectively. Currently, only 42.76% utilise customer data to enhance customer experience initiatives, 32.41% for store design and location decisions, and 27.59% for pricing strategies. Clearly, there's significant room for improvement.” - Plinc


AI-powered data analytics are transforming this approach. Advanced algorithms analyse extensive data to identify trends and predict customer behaviour, allowing for real-time, personalised experiences. For instance, AI can suggest products based on past interactions, enhancing user satisfaction and boosting sales.

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) further elevate this strategy by consolidating data from multiple sources into a unified view. This integration provides deeper insights into customer behaviours, enabling more precise segmentation and targeted campaigns. With a CDP, B2B businesses can ensure every customer interaction is informed by the latest data, leading to more consistent and engaging experiences that drive loyalty and growth.

Omnichannel Strategy, Marketplace Integration, and Enhanced Discoverability

B2B buyers today expect the seamless, user-friendly experience they’re accustomed to in B2C environments across every touchpoint. To meet these expectations, businesses must deliver a unified experience whether customers are interacting via websites, mobile apps, or marketplaces like Amazon and Alibaba. An effective omnichannel strategy enhances customer satisfaction by providing consistent access and engagement opportunities across multiple channels.

“Today’s B2B buyer is an omnichannel buyer who engages in a mix of self-service digital and sales representative interactions. CMOs must determine how best to orchestrate high-value buyer engagement across a mix of digital and human channels along the buying journey.” - Gartner


To boost discoverability, B2B companies should optimise their product listings on these platforms with precise keywords, engaging descriptions, and high-quality images. Leveraging advertising tools such as sponsored product ads can further increase visibility. Integration with marketplaces requires robust backend systems for managing orders and inventory, ensuring reliable product availability and efficient order processing. Additionally, analysing marketplace performance metrics and engaging in proactive customer service can improve visibility and build trust.

For a comprehensive omnichannel approach, integrating field sales apps allows sales teams to access real-time customer and inventory information, ensuring informed and efficient interactions during in-person meetings. This integration not only enhances service but also helps maintain a consistent, high-quality customer experience across all channels.

Inbound Marketing Strategies

Email marketing remains a powerful tool, allowing for highly targeted campaigns that speak directly to specific customer segments. With the help of customer data, businesses can automate workflows to nurture leads, re-engage lapsed clients, and keep customers informed about new products.

Social media platforms, especially LinkedIn, are gaining traction in the B2B sphere. They offer valuable opportunities for connecting with industry professionals, sharing insightful content, and participating in discussions that build brand credibility. Meanwhile, dedicated customer portals enhance the user experience by providing a personalised space for managing accounts, tracking orders, and accessing support resources.

To streamline content creation and improve engagement, integrating Generative AI (GenAI) into your strategy can be transformative. GenAI accelerates content production, ensuring consistency and relevance across channels. Generating tailored content based on customer preferences and feedback enhances engagement and supports a coherent brand presence across all touchpoints.


Issue 1: B2B buyers face friction points during their journey, from product research to pricing comparisons, often leading to dissatisfaction and lost opportunities.
Solution: Implement digital tools for quick, easy online transactions and seamless customer experiences to enhance satisfaction and loyalty.

Issue 2: Many B2B companies struggle with digital transformation due to complex operations and multiple stakeholders.
Solution: Adopt cutting-edge B2B commerce technologies such as headless commerce, PIM, and OMS systems to streamline operations and meet evolving customer demands.

Issue 3: Slow website performance and poor user experience can frustrate B2B customers, leading to missed sales opportunities.
Solution: Enhance page load speeds with headless commerce setups and leverage AI-driven search and merchandising to provide personalised, efficient user experiences.

Issue 4: Managing extensive product catalogues and complex orders efficiently is a significant challenge for B2B companies.
Solution: Utilise AI-powered PIM systems for accurate data synchronisation and advanced OMS for real-time inventory visibility and flexible order management.

Issue 5: Traditional methods fall short in meeting the demand for personalised B2B interactions and tailored experiences.
Solution: Employ AI-powered data analytics and Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) to deliver real-time, personalised recommendations and improve customer engagement.

Issue 6: B2B buyers expect a seamless experience across various touchpoints, including websites, mobile apps, and marketplaces.
Solution: Develop an effective omnichannel strategy, optimise product listings on marketplaces, and integrate field sales apps for consistent customer interactions.

Issue 7: Engaging and retaining B2B customers through traditional marketing methods can be less effective.
Solution: Utilise email marketing, LinkedIn, and Generative AI to enhance content creation, automate workflows, and build a strong, consistent brand presence.

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