DXP vs. PIM: What’s the Difference

DXP vs. PIM: What’s the Difference
DXP vs. PIM: What’s the Difference

Prasenjit Dey

Content Writer

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When navigating the complex world of digital commerce, two key tools often stand out: Digital Experience Platforms (DXP) and Product Information Management (PIM) systems. While both are essential to modern e-commerce strategies, they serve distinct purposes. In this comparison, we'll explore the roles of DXP and PIM, highlighting their unique features and benefits to help businesses understand which solution best suits their needs.

According to Sitecore data, brands with superior CX generate 5.7x times more revenue than competitors with inferior CX.

What is a Product Information Management (PIM)?

Product Information Management, or PIM system, helps retailers store, enrich, and manage their product information. It helps centralize product data, streamline the process of updating, and manage efficient and accurate information throughout multiple touchpoints. 

Centralized product management through PIM helps organize and maintain product data in one central location. 

What is a Digital Experience Platform (DXP)?

Digital Experience Platform, Digital Experience Manager, or DXP, is a bundle of essential technologies that help create, handle, deliver, and refine personalized digital experiences. It can be a standalone product or a suite of software containing various integrated tools.

According to the Statista Report, DXP's revenue is projected to grow at 10.9 per between 2019 and 2025.


Difference Between PIM vs DXP

Let's explore the difference between PIM and DXP:


Key AspectPIMDXP
FocusPIM focuses on centralizing and standardizing product information.DXP focuses on creating and managing digital experiences across all touchpoints.
FunctionalityExcel in organizing and centralizing product data, including attributes, specifications, images, and other relevant information.Provide a broader range of functionalities beyond product data management, such as content management, personalization, digital marketing, and omnichannel commerce capabilities.
ScopeIt is more specialized, focusing solely on managing product data to improve quality and consistency.It encompasses a wider scope, integrating various digital tools and capabilities to create holistic digital experiences for customers.
IntegrationIntegrate with other software applications within an e-commerce ecosystem, such as ERP systems, CRM software, and e-commerce platforms, to synchronize product data across different systems.Integrate with various technologies, including content management systems (CMS), marketing automation tools, customer data platforms (CDP), and e-commerce platforms, to deliver personalized and consistent digital experiences.
User ExperiencePrimarily cater to backend users, such as product managers, merchandisers, and data administrators, focusing on optimizing workflows for managing product data efficiently.Target both backend users (e.g., content editors, marketers) and frontend users (e.g., customers), aiming to deliver compelling and intuitive digital experiences that drive engagement and conversions.
Data Structure Designed with a structured data model tailored for organizing product information, typically utilizing taxonomies, attributes, and relationships to maintain data consistency and integrity.Handle a broader range of content types beyond structured product data, including multimedia content, marketing assets, user-generated content, and dynamic content components.
CustomizationOffer customization options primarily geared towards configuring product data schemas, workflows, and validations to meet specific business requirements.Provide extensive customization capabilities for designing and delivering personalized digital experiences, often through modular architectures and flexible development frameworks.
Analytics and InsightsOffer basic analytics functionalities focused on tracking data quality metrics, such as completeness, accuracy, and consistency of product information.Offer advanced analytics and reporting features, enabling businesses to gain insights into customer behavior, content performance, conversion rates, and other key metrics to optimize digital experiences.


As per Accenture, 76% of consumers anticipate companies to comprehend their needs and expectations, with 48% indicating they are inclined to spend more with a brand that offers personalized experiences.

As per Gartner, 89% of businesses anticipate competing primarily based on customer experience. 

When should you opt for PIM? 

When making a business decision, there are many things to consider before buying something. To determine the right time for your business to invest in PIM, ask yourself these questions first.

Q) Is your Business Selling Online?

As people increasingly shop online, businesses need to be online, too. So, the first thing to consider before deciding if your business needs a PIM is: Do we already sell things online? And if so, in how many places? 

A PIM can help any business because the more places you sell, the more accurate product information you need. However, managing different requirements for each place you sell is difficult. Your distributors want one thing, and your online retail partners wish to another, and using spreadsheets for everything can get messy.
If you sell in more than one place online, you might need a PIM. With a PIM, you can manage all your product information from one place without messy spreadsheets or repeating the same information.

Q) Which tool you are using to manage all your product data?

Even though product information management is one of the top three most important tools for building an e-commerce business, some people think they can get it by using other tools not specifically for handling data.

Let's understand this with a few examples.

Have you ever tried eating soup with a fork, painting your house with a toothbrush, or taking a photo with a coffee cup? Probably not. So, maybe you shouldn't try managing your product data using your online store, inventory system, or Excel spreadsheet.

Getting lost in spreadsheets, dealing with multiple versions, and making data mistakes are common issues for growing businesses. But when you're wrestling with inadequate tools more than focusing on growing your business, it's a clear sign that it might be time to consider a PIM.

Q) Are you already using any e-commerce tool?

For any online store, it's important to have a system to handle orders in real-time (OMS), a website for people to shop and know more about your business (CMS), and a way to organize your product info (PIM).
These three tools are like the foundation of success. But sometimes, businesses start with the first two and then realize they need help with product information. If that sounds like you, don't stress! If you can manage your inventory and sell your products online, you're ready to consider getting a PIM.

Q) What’s the number of SKUs that your business is managing?

Imagine you run a small company with a handful of unique products, maybe about 200. If you only sell in one place and don't plan to grow much, you might not need a PIM. You could handle all the data, but it's a lot of work. 

But if you want your business to grow, things will get trickier as your product list grows. Keeping track of changes and ensuring everything stays consistent becomes a big job. 
As you expand into new markets, the data gets even more complicated. Different languages, currencies, and market rules add up fast. A PIM makes this easier by managing translations, currency conversions, and regional differences. So, if you have or plan to have a thousand products or more, it might be time to consider getting a PIM for your business.

Q) How do you rectify any error in your product?

The wrong product information can hurt your brand, upset customers, and lead to expensive returns. When you use tools not made for managing data, you might have many different versions floating around. This can cause mistakes and make it hard to keep information correct and complete.
Your product details affect how customers see your business. A PIM ensures your information is correct and looks the same everywhere. This makes shopping better and builds trust with customers.

When should you opt for DXP?

When deciding on a Digital Experience Platform (DXP), there are a few important questions you need to consider:

Q) Does it align with your business objectives?

Figure out your business goals and what you want to achieve with the DXP. Then, pick the platform that best fits your plans and can help you reach them.

Q) How much it will cost?

When determining how much a DXP costs, you must consider more than the upfront price. There could be hidden costs like how transparent the vendor is about their fees and what you pay to help set it up, host, and keep it running smoothly. You might also need to pay for training and extra help. Make sure to think about all these costs along with what the DXP can do for your business in the long run.

Q) Can it provide a personalized Omnichannel Experience?

Your DXP should offer easy-to-use tools for content creators and handle different types of content. Look for a DXP that lets marketers set up campaigns, make landing pages, or set automation without needing to code much. Also, check if it helps you deliver the same personalized experiences everywhere, like on websites, apps, social media, and emails. Your platform should make it easy for customers to move around and let you show them the right content based on what they like.

Q) Does DXP provide Analytics and Insights?

Check if the DXP offers solid analytics and reporting features. These tools should give you useful insights into user behavior, content performance, and campaign effectiveness. Ensure the platform helps you make data-based decisions and improve customer experiences.

Q) How well can DXP be integrated with other tools?

Make sure to figure out how your DXP fits into your overall customer experience setup and check if it can work well with the systems and tech you already have (or want to have). It's crucial for smooth integration to allow data to flow both ways, making personalized experiences and efficient operations possible. Also, make sure your DXP can grow with you and connect with new technologies that might come up in the future.

Organizations often use PIM and DXP solutions to optimize digital commerce strategies and provide customers with seamless and engaging experiences.

End Note

While there may be some overlap in functionality between PIM and DXP, they serve different purposes within the digital commerce ecosystem. DXP and PIM play crucial roles in enhancing digital experiences and prioritizing PIM to ensure effective product data management, leading to streamlined operations and improved customer satisfaction. By implementing a robust PIM solution, businesses can provide accurate product information across all channels, driving better growth and success in the e-commerce market.

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